
Friday, February 25, 2011

Sarcoma bride

As many of you know, I have a rare cancerous sarcoma tumor on my neck. I will be having surgery on March 8th. Then I will be recovering for 6 weeks and having radiation and a little chemotherapy.

This is not how I expected my wedding planning to go, but life happens and we have to deal with it. THE WEDDING IS STILL ON. We are taking everything day by day, and praying I make a full recovery. The tumor is isolated and there is no significant evidence that's it's spread to other parts of my body. So just hang in there with me, I am still making plans from my bed (thank goodness for email and the internet)...but I've never been an orthodox conventional person, and this is certainly not conventional wedding planning. Maybe this will make a damn good one-woman show some day. Who knows?

Thank you for your love and prayers. If you would like to stay updated about my condition, I've set up a site at Caring Bridge.

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