
Friday, February 25, 2011

Sarcoma bride

As many of you know, I have a rare cancerous sarcoma tumor on my neck. I will be having surgery on March 8th. Then I will be recovering for 6 weeks and having radiation and a little chemotherapy.

This is not how I expected my wedding planning to go, but life happens and we have to deal with it. THE WEDDING IS STILL ON. We are taking everything day by day, and praying I make a full recovery. The tumor is isolated and there is no significant evidence that's it's spread to other parts of my body. So just hang in there with me, I am still making plans from my bed (thank goodness for email and the internet)...but I've never been an orthodox conventional person, and this is certainly not conventional wedding planning. Maybe this will make a damn good one-woman show some day. Who knows?

Thank you for your love and prayers. If you would like to stay updated about my condition, I've set up a site at Caring Bridge.

Friday, February 11, 2011

99 days till the wedding

It's funny how much you accomplish when you are bedridden with pain. I made a master list of all the the things we have to do in the next 3 months. We've got 95% of the invitation list solidified. The bridesmaids have their dresses and the most adorable shoes. Things are coming together piece by piece.

Now if only I could my biopsy results back so the doctors would know what my tumor is and get it out of my body!! I want to be me again. I am sick of this toxin taking over me.

I cannot wait to live life to fullest again. But Braden has been by my side through it all. The biopsy was not easy. I didn't get sedatives. I've cried a lot. He's held me, touched me, kissed me. I cannot wait to be his wife.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Engagement Party - Thank you!

I know I have not written in a long time but this is for two reasons. 1. my health problems with neck injury have pushed pretty much everything in my life on backburner. 2. I hadn't really had much to do. But now it's the new year and things are starting to ramp up! Holy cow!

I got fitted for my dress a few days ago and wow I got really overwhelmed. It all feels like it's happening so fast. I love that dress so much. It makes me feel so regal and elegant. Mom says I look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. ;) And y'all know I love Belle. I just have to say, thank goodness it's forgiving in the bustle because I have a bit of Christmas cookie weight going on in the booty. But who doesn't?

The engagement party was amazing. My parents friends put on an amazing spread. It was the most fun I've had in a long long long happy to have all my friends there and everyone looked wonderful and had a good time. It totally makes up for every crappy party I've ever thrown (and that's a lot, believe me.)

The ceremony is 4 months away...I can't believe it's all happening so fast. Now let's hope my health can keep up with the wedding planning. Because suddenly, I have so much to do.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Masquerade favors?

I am trying to think of ways to incorporate a subtle masquerade theme into our reception. The colors are red and black and my concept is, at best an "outdoor opera ball" feel. Formal and dramatic, but not stuffy.

Wedding favors are kind of a silly development. It kind of reminds me of Hallmark inventing holidays, like Administrative Assistant Day. I feel like it's something the vendors and event planners came up with to supersize our already thin stretched budgets. How many people really care about personalized M & Ms or little pots of honey? Then again, it's a nice token for guests who took the time to travel to your locale, dress up, buy you an expensive piece of china and not make a total ass of themselves.

In any case, it's been a doozy coming up with creative ideas that aren't trite or predictable and more importantly fit the theme. I'm thinking about masquerade masks for wedding favors. Partly as an homage to these Mexican masks that Braden and his friends have and wear at all important events. You can see pictures on our website (I know I don't get it either, but if we ever make another hip-hop album and I'm on it, I guess I'll have to wear my pretty Venician one).

Soooo... masks? Would that be fun? Original? I've heard of people having "costume trees" at weddings with accessories and such to lighten up the dance floor. While I think that is a fun idea, it's a little too cutesy for me. Maybe, I'll even design some special ones for the bride and groom.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Catering and Decor...oh my!

We met with the caterer and event planner yesterday. After an exhausting 1.5 hour session with Mom and Dad in tow, we solidified a menu that I very much think everyone will love (I get rather excited about hor d'oerves) The menu is going to be a "Southern Nouveau" theme...basically your favorite Southern classics with an upscale twist. There will be two meats and a vegetarian option (which you carnivores will have to try...because it sounds delish!!) I don't want to give it all away. I mean, I'm a total foodie, so you know the wedding menu is gonna be divine.

Heather (our event planner) had some wonderful ideas for the tent since the entirity of our wedding will be outside on the grounds. We will have a big white tent with hopefully some dramatic chandeliers and string lights. The theme, in case, you haven't heard is red and black. There will be elements of opera, masquerade and even vintage cars. I really love dramatic won't catch a single pastel at my wedding!!

Also, being a fiancee means that I someone have found a love for bridal television, which in itself is a market all on it's own. My current obsession: My Fair Wedding. Brides tell designer David Tutera their wedding plans, which are usually crazy (read: Pirate Wedding, Swamp Wedding) and he finds a way to make it work and seem glamorous.

That's all for now. I am really happy that all our vendors are committed. I don't have to worry about settling for someone considering we are getting married on a very popular weekend. For the next couple of weeks, I'm just focusing on reaching my goal wedding weight and saving some money!

Catering vendor:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010